Dictionary - Letter S

English Dictionary -> Letter S

S <<-->> sacramental oil
sacramental wine <<-->> safety fuse
safety glass <<-->> Saint Boniface
Saint Bride <<-->> Saladin
Salafast Group for Call and Combat <<-->> Salix sitchensis
Salix triandra <<-->> salutatorian
salutatory speaker <<-->> sampling station
samsara <<-->> sandalwood
sandalwood family <<-->> Santa Lucia fir
Santa Maria de Belem <<-->> Saran Wrap
sarape <<-->> Saskatchewan
saskatoon <<-->> sauce-alone
sauceboat <<-->> saw-toothed
Sawan <<-->> scaling
scaling ladder <<-->> scarlet fritillary
scarlet hamelia <<-->> scherzo
Scheuchzeriaceae <<-->> school phobia
school principal <<-->> sciolist
sciolistic <<-->> scopolamine
Scopolia <<-->> scouting trip
scoutmaster <<-->> scribbler
scribbling block <<-->> scurrility
scurrilous <<-->> sea scallop
sea scooter <<-->> seashore mallow
seasick <<-->> second hand
second joint <<-->> Section Eight
section gang <<-->> seed oyster
seed pearl <<-->> selective
selective amnesia <<-->> self-explanatory
self-expression <<-->> selfsame(a)
selfsameness <<-->> semiofficial
semiopaque <<-->> Senna obtusifolia
Senna occidentalis <<-->> sentimentally
sentimentise <<-->> serenity
Serenoa <<-->> Serratia
Serratia marcescens <<-->> set back
set chisel <<-->> severed
severely <<-->> sexy
Seychelles <<-->> shalwar
sham <<-->> Shastan
shatter <<-->> sheikha
sheikhdom <<-->> shiftlessness
shifty <<-->> Shirodkar's operation
shirr <<-->> shoofly pie
shook <<-->> short-spurred fragrant orchid
short-staffed <<-->> shower down
shower room <<-->> shun
shun giku <<-->> sicklepod
sickleweed golden aster <<-->> Sierra Nevada Mountains
Sierra plum <<-->> Sikhism
Sikkim <<-->> silver bell
silver berry <<-->> simmering
simnel <<-->> singing
singing voice <<-->> Siouan language
Siouan-speaking <<-->> Sir Lancelot
Sir Laurence Kerr Olivier <<-->> sit down
sit in <<-->> skateboarding
skater <<-->> skin color
skin colour <<-->> SL
slab <<-->> sleaze
sleazy <<-->> sliding door
sliding keel <<-->> slopseller's shop
slopshop <<-->> small capital
small cell carcinoma <<-->> smilo grass
smirch <<-->> Smuts
smuttily <<-->> sneeze
sneezer <<-->> snowfall
snowfield <<-->> social assistance
social class <<-->> soda lime
soda niter <<-->> softie
softish <<-->> soldering
soldering flux <<-->> Solomon Guggenheim
Solomon Hurok <<-->> sone
song <<-->> sore
sore throat <<-->> sound reflection
sound reproduction <<-->> South Korean monetary unit
South Korean won <<-->> sowbread
sower <<-->> Spanish grunt
Spanish Guinea <<-->> spatial relation
spatiality <<-->> speckled rattlesnake
speckled trout <<-->> Spencer
Spencer Tracy <<-->> sphygmomanometer
Sphyraena <<-->> spinach mustard
spinach plant <<-->> spiritual
spiritual being <<-->> split run
split second <<-->> sporocarp
sporogenous <<-->> spouting
sprachgefuhl <<-->> spruceness
sprue <<-->> squareness
squaretail <<-->> St John's Day
St John's Eve <<-->> stabilizing
stable <<-->> stair-carpet
stair-rod <<-->> standard time
standard transmission <<-->> stare
stare down <<-->> stateless person
stateliness <<-->> steady
steady down <<-->> Stefan Zweig
Steffens <<-->> Stephanomeria malheurensis
stephanotis <<-->> stevedore
Steven Spielberg <<-->> stiltbird
stilted <<-->> stock market index
stock of record <<-->> stone pine
stone pit <<-->> storm cellar
storm center <<-->> Strait of Hormuz
Strait of Magellan <<-->> streamer
streamer fly <<-->> striated muscle fiber
striated muscle tissue <<-->> strive
striver <<-->> studbook
studded <<-->> stylise
stylised <<-->> subclass Prototheria
subclass Rhizopoda <<-->> subgroup
subhead <<-->> suborder Limicolae
suborder Lipotyphla <<-->> subsistence farming
subsister <<-->> succourer
succuba <<-->> sugar water
sugar-bush <<-->> sulphur oxide
sulphur-crested cockatoo <<-->> Sunbelt
sunberry <<-->> superclass Gnathostomata
superclass Myriapoda <<-->> superpatriotism
superphylum <<-->> suppressor
suppressor gene <<-->> Suricata suricatta
Suricata tetradactyla <<-->> suspensory bandage
suspicion <<-->> swamp oak
swamp pine <<-->> sweet
sweet acacia <<-->> Swietinia mahogani
swift <<-->> sword-shaped
swordfish <<-->> Symphalangus syndactylus
symphilid <<-->> synergist
synergistic <<-->> systematic desensitization
systematically <<-->> Szilard